On iPhone #image is use to search for GIF image , which then you can share with others through iMessage.

iPhone #image turn off

One of my friend just asked me about this #image on iPhone. Also said that #image is not working. So, I thought of sharing a short article on iPhone #image.

Here I will be showing how to turn of #image on iPhone and also how to make use of #image on iPhone.

Turn off #image on iPhone

Follow below step if you want to turn off HASHTAGIMAGE .

Messages>open any message>click on the thing with the three dots>hit edit >turn #images off.

Add GIF from #image

  1. Open Messages, tap , and enter a contact or tap an existing conversation.
  2. Tap , then tap .
  3. To search for a specific GIF, tap Find images, then enter a keyword, like birthday.
  4. Tap the GIF to add it to your message.
  5. Tap  to send.

How to save GIF image

You can also use the #image to save GIF image on your iOS device, to do that follow below step.

  1. Open Messages.
  2. Open the message that has the previously sent GIF that you want to save.
  3. Touch and hold the GIF, then tap Save. If you have an iPhone 6s or later, you can use 3D Touch to save a GIF. Just press deeply on the GIF, swipe up and tap Save.

#images is available in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, India, Singapore, Philippines, and Japan.

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