After upgrading to iOS 11.1 , many are facing problem with iPhone banner notification. The issue is specifically reported on iPhone 6s and on iPhone 7.
It seems to be glitch in new iOS 11 update. An iPhone 6s customer reported that he is having this issue on this iPhone 6s after updating to new iOS 11 version that is iOS 11.1 .
He reported saying, “i need a little help here. I have iphone 6s plus, yesterday I upgraded it to iOS 11 and since then my banner notification aren’t working. It’s about whatapp and viber where i have disabled notifications on lock screen, and on iOS 10 when i unlocked my phone, banner notification where just showing up on top of screen. Now that’s not the case.
When i unlock it, i only have notification on whatsap icon, and i have to scroll notification center down to see the message.” The same issue is reported by 100+ iPhone users. Which means it’s a bug on iOS 11.1.

But some how we have the partial solution to it , till Apple fix it officially. So, you can follow below method to get this issue solved.
iOS 11 banner notification problem
The problem with banner notification on iPhone 6s , iPhone 7 and on iPhone 8 can be solved by twisting your iPhone notification settings.
First goto to settings and notification. After you are on notification settings of your device, select the app for which you are facing the issue.
Turn on allow notification and after that you have to select either history or banner notification. So, choose whichever you prefer and it will solve the problem. But if you turn on both Show in History and Show as Banner then you will face the notification problem.
Therefore you need to select only one that is either show in history option or show as Banner. This will solve the issue.
Hope by now your iPhone notification problem is fixed. Do let us know on which iPhone model you are facing this notification problem.