Email ID आज के समय सभी के पास होना जरुरी है जब भी हम Online किसी भी website पर Registration करते है या फिर न्यू Account बनाते है तो उसके लिए हमे email ID की जरुरत होती है. आज में आपको बताने वाला हु की E Mail Id kaise banate है How To make E …
Author: admin
Apple iPhone x new leak video on YouTube
A blogging video on YouTube includes iPhone x, giving little more beautiful looks and the new features on it. Which now going viral on YouTube and reddit. The video is posted on YouTube by Brooke Amelia Peterson on her YouTube channel. Brooke Amelia Peterson is the daughter of an engineer , who works for Apple. …
iOS 11.0.3 killed iPhone 6S
iOS 11 is the most powerful and latest mobile operating system in the whole world, claim by Apple Inc. And also Apple claims that it have the most rich features then an other Phones including the TrueDepth Camera and Facial Recognition. Though it is claim to be the most powerful mobile operating system, it was …
Pre order iPhone x on Amazon
The iPhone 10 which is known as iPhone x is now available on Amazon for pre-order. iPhone x is the most powerful and advanced next generation smartphone till date. It is the most awaited phone from Apple Inc. iPhone x is now listed on Amazon. The page for pre-order of iPhone x is available on …
iPhone 8 home screen freeze bug
On 26 September 2017, an iPhone 8 64GB variant reported a bug on Apple discussion. The bug was related to home screen touch on iPhone. “I woke up this morning to a frozen home screen on my iPhone 8 64 gb. The alarm went off like normal, and I could remove notifications from my lock …
Fake iPhone x available on market (Be aware)
The iPhone x which is also known as iPhone 10 will be available on market officially from November 3, 2017. But some novice , claiming that the phone is already available on market. We the team of iPhone Power User, here that got shocked, so did a quick search and came up with the reality …
Apple CEO Tim Cook in trouble with iPhone 10 & iPhone 8
The article title already gave you the half of the idea about this news. Yes you got it right, Tim Cook is in trouble with iPhone X. Not only Tim Cook the CEO of Apple Inc. but along with him Apple is also in trouble. At first the problem was with the sale of iPhone …
Beauty of Apple Michigan Avenue Store
Apple Inc. Open its new store along the Chicago River on Friday, 20 October 2017. Here we have the pictures of the store from every angle. You can see the beauty of Apple store on below images. Address 401 N Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60611 (312) 529-9500 Monday- Saturday the store is open from 9:00Am …
iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 plus Production dropped by 50 Percent
As said from before that iPhone x will kill iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 plus, now it’s going to be the reality. Report says that iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 plus production to be drop by nearly 50% in November and December. It will be the first time in Apple history that a newly launched …
How to Find CIF Number of Sbi Bank Account – खाते की CIF संख्या कैसे देखे
आज हम आपको बताने जा रहे है की बैंक के खाते की CIF संख्या कैसे देखे चेक करे (How to Find CIF Number of Sbi Bank Account). दोस्तों CIF number का पता होना बहुत जरुरी है सभी लोगो के किसी ना किसी बैंक में Account होता है और हर खाते का इक CIF नंबर होता …