Product Red, stylized as (PRODUCT)RED, is a licensed brand owned by (RED) that seeks to engage the private sector in raising awareness and funds to help eliminate HIV/AIDS in eight African countries.

Product red is not the work of single man but many big companies are included in it. And Apple Inc. is one of them.

Since its creation in 2006, (RED) has worked tirelessly to help the more than 37 million people living with HIV across the globe. This World AIDS Day, Apple celebrates a record year of giving with over $30 million raised for the Global Fund, equating to 144 million days of ARV medication that prevents the transmission of HIV from mothers to their unborn babies. Over the past 11 years, Apple customers have helped provide an equivalent of 475 million days of lifesaving medication.

“Connecting through our products and services helps make it easy for our customers to join us in the effort to create the first AIDS-free generation,” said Lisa Jackson, Apple’s vice president of Environment, Policy and Social Initiatives. “By working with (RED) to stop the transmission of HIV from moms to their unborn babies, we’re already seeing a significant impact in areas where help is needed most. We’re committed to continuing the fight and empowering future generations through these vital efforts.”

Apple and RED Celebrate year of giving

“Apple’s commitment to the AIDS fight is unparalleled. It’s not just the staggering $160 million raised for the Global Fund that has impacted many millions of lives, it’s their ability to bring heat, awareness, energy and eyeballs to keep this issue front and center,” said Deb Dugan, CEO, (RED). “Their unwavering support cannot be underestimated, and we thank every Apple employee for helping (RED) reach the milestone of half a billion dollars delivered to help end this disease.”

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